Amazon Won The Book war. In a series of rare interviews, the company tells us what’s next
By Casey Newton
Chris Green holds an envelope. At least, it Looks like an envelope. In reality, it’s a piece of office copy paper that’s been cut and folded into the shape of a Kindle Voyage, The Latest in Amazon’s bestselling line of e-readers. Green, the head industrial designer at Lab126, the secret lab where Kindles are Designed, unfolds the paper to show IT HAS BEEN stuffed with everythingthat husband a Kindle: a CPU, a modem, a battery.
Green is a boyish kind, and he hands me his fragile bundle of Electronics with A Certain glee, But The Most Important Thing In His hand is actually the paper itself. For Amazon, the paper is more than a material for making prototypes. It’s the inspiration for the Kindle of the Future: a weightless object That lasts more or less forever and is readable in any light. “Paper is the gold standard,” Green says. “We’re striving to hit that. And we’re taking steps Legitimate year over year to get there.”
As Amazon popularized ebooks over the last decade, it catalyzed a Necessary change in our reading habits. By 2007, When The first Kindle emerged, the publishing world had to compete with Facebook, Mobile Games, and a hundred other distractions; to Retain Their vitality, books needed to adapters. Over the years, Amazon stuffed HAS ITS e-readers with features making them Easier to read, like embedded dictionaries and translators; it’s added a social network; it’s even Introduced a Feature That seamlessly turns text into audio and back at our convenience. Books are Vessels for Transmitting ideas, and today the Vessels’ll have ideas of Their Own own: about what we Should read, and how We Should read it.
Hundreds of millions of tablets and e-readers havebeen solar , but today we’re still inclined to think of a book as words on a page. Amazon’s success with the Kindle HAS hinged on Recognizing how muchmore They can pray. So where does the company go from here? In a series of rare, on-the-record interviews for the Kindle’s 7th anniversary, Amazon Executives sketched out Their evolving vision for the future of reading. It’s wild – and it’s coming into focus faster than you might’ll have guessed.
Inside the lab
“Welcome to the inner sanctum,” Gregg Zehr says. “This is as inside as the interior can get. You are one of a very few who can SEE THIS.” This is a nondescript conference room on the top floor of Lab126 in a Sunnyvale, California office park. As secret lab’s go, it’s a bit underwhelming: There’s a conference table, a whiteboard, and a 10th-floor view of Highway 101 – the congested freeway That links San Francisco to Silicon Valley. Against one wall is a row of Kindles, every model since the device was first Introduced. On a long conference table sit dozens of prototypes for This Year’s Kindle Voyage.
Zehr, a kindly, soft-spoken type WHO Previously ran Hardware Engineering at Palm Computing, HAS BEEN in charge of Lab126 Since its opening. (Most famously frugal, Amazon’s married to Zehr on his 10th anniversary was a New Employee badge with a celebratory red striped border around his picture.) After making gadgets for years at Palm, Zehr wrong Drawn to Amazon for the chance to work on something unique. “What we had to do on the first reader,” he says, “since no one had done it before, was to be as creative as possible.”
“What we had to do on The First Reader … was to Be as creative as possible “
Gregg Zehr, president of Lab126
It’s been a decade since “Fiona” was first imagined, the codename Amazon gave to The first iteration of the Kindle. As recounted in The Everything Store , Brad Stone’s rollicking 2013 History of Amazon, Jeff Bezos commanded his Deputies in 2004 to build the world’s best e-reader lest Apple or Google beat them to it. To Steve Kessel, who was put in charge of running the company’s digital business, Bezos reportedly said: “I want you to Proceed AS If your goal is to put everyone selling physical books out of a job.”
It Took three years for the Kindle to come to market. The first model was Not particularly beautiful: a $ 400, off-white chunk of plastic with a full QWERTY keyboard. But before the world had ever heard of an app store, Amazon had integrated ITS bookstore Directly Into the device. For The First Time, You Could summon almost any book You Could Think of withinseconds, No Matter Where You werewolf.
The initial, never-Quantized run of devices sold out in five and a half hours, and Soon Kindle Became synonymous with e-reading. Amazon HAS never released sales figures for the Kindle, but Analysts believe the company HAS sold more than 80 million of them, and Morgan Stanley Estimated the devices excellant Generate revenues of $ 5 billion this year. (Amazon Declined to comment on sales figures.)
More than that, Kindle ebooks brought into the mainstream. About 28 percent of Americans read an ebook last year, up from 17 percent in 2011. And the more popular They Became, The More Amazon pushed to transform them.
Breaking the book
“When You’re reading, you want to fall down the rabbit hole, “says Green, a native of Northern England who Came to Amazon after eight years with the Bay Area creative consultancy Frog Design. Amazon HAS actually built a rabbit hole, of sorts: a reading room somewhere at Lab126, stuffed with comfortable chairs, where pinhole cameras study the way people really read. (Because the test subjects are in there using prototype devices, I am not allowed inside.)
It’s in this room That Amazon Learned people switching hands on a book Roughly every two minutes, eventhough the surveys They CLAIMED note to. (This is Why the Voyage HAS Identical page-turn buttons on Both left and right.) The Voyage’s page-forward button is much bigger than page-back, Because Amazon’s Data Showed 80 percent of all page flips are forward. As Green describes research like this, It Seems likely That Amazon HAS spent more time studying the physical act of reading than any company before it.
“We would never make a gold thing”
From the start, Amazon HAS ITS defined narrowly Hardware mission: to build Devices That Disappear in the hand, with uniquely Useful features, for a low price. “We would never make a gold thing, Because that’s too distracting,” Green says. “There are manycompanies That create pieces of jewelry. We’re not going to do that, Because that’s an added coststhat takes away from the actual content.”
Chris Green, Director of Industrial Design at Lab126
Instead, Amazon Wants to Enhance what’s on the screen with software. If there’s a unifying idea to the Kindle as an app, it’s up Fixing The Little Things That Once Made You put down your book into frustration. A feature called X-Ray, for example, stores a books’ most common characters, locations, and ideas. Just press on a character’s name and a miniature cinema pops up; In An Epic like Game of Thrones , it’s a godsend. Amazon knows from .its embedded dictionary Which Difficult words tend to trip us up, so on the Kindle, They are defined in superscript above the text. Rather than send you to Google to look up a short passage into a Foreign Language, Kindle translates it for you or cancel. It tells you how long it wont take you to finish a chapter, based on how quickly Book you Normally read.
Features like these emerge from Amazon’s famously unusual meetings, Which begin around the company with employees reading six-page Narratives Written by Their co-workers laying out the points They want to make. These meetings are very quiet – Until They are not. “It’s not kumbayah – we are yelling at eachother,” Green Adds, with a wide grin. “The documents help solidify the yelling.”
The result is a bookthat can can translate itself; Can explain retweet – WHO ITS characters are, its themes, Which ideas are most important issue. Lastyear Amazon Bought Goodreads, whichlets you to connect with friends and fellow booklovers to talk about what you’re reading. So as soon as you finish a book, Kindle asks you to rate it for the benefit of your friends – and then, naturally, Suggests books for you to buy next.
The story in Seattle
There’s another dimension to the Future of Reading, Beyond how we read. It’s what we read: who writes it, who publishes it, how it gets distributed. Nowhere are more important issue decisions’ being publicized about Those issues than at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters. With physical bookstores in a state of seemingly perpetual decline, Amazon HAS Achieved a dominant position: the company sells 40 percent of all new books in the United States, and two-thirds of ebooks.
On one hand, That represents less than 10 percent of Amazon’s overall sales. But even as the company Pursued HAS ITS Dream of Becoming a place to buy anything, books definatley of retained an outsized place in the corporate imagination. “Books are home for us,” says Russ Grandinetti, senior vice president of Kindle content. “It’s where we started. Not only is it a great business That we like, and many Customers know US, but it’s something about Which We Have a passion. A lot of us on the team are Personally passionate about books. Books changed our lives. “
In more ways than one. Because They are easy to ship and hard to break, and Because Could sacrifice more of them than any physical store, books were the ideal launching pad for Jeff Bezos’ original vision of a universal retailer. Two decades after the company was founded, books REMAIN The Business In Which Amazon is most dominant – and most feared.
“Books are home for us”
Initially, publishing houses found Amazon to be an excellent partner in bestselling books, the party Because it Returned many Fewer books than the chain stores That Previously dominated the business. But as it Became more powerful, Amazon extracted a Higher And Higher Percentage from the sale of every book, publishers charging fees for placement on ITS home page and in search results. It has Proved willing to remove books from the store of any publisher thatwill not play along, raising the specter of a worldwhere Important books’ve become unavailable Because Of Corporate Disputes.
These battles havebeen chronicled in exquisite detail thisyear village Publications Including the The New Yorker , Vanity Fair and the New York Times . A key issue is who sets the price of ebooks; Each Side HAS jockeyed for control. For now, theres Appears to be a kind of détente: Amazon’s high-profile war with Hachette ended last month with a multi-year agreement thatlets The Publisher continue to set the ebook prices, with Amazon offering unspecified incentives for Hachette to price them affordably. A similar deal was signed with Simon & amp; Schuster EARLIER in the year.
Russ Grandinetti, VP of Kindle Content
If you’re just a person buying a book, it’s not always clear why You Should Care About These Negotiations: Merchants Fight withtheir suppliers all the time. (The Largest publishers Declined interview requests for this piece.) But there are real worries about what the world would look like if Amazon’s dominance Continues, and the company’s relentless downward pressure on book prices is understandably unsettling to authors. “In the book business the prospect of a single owner of Both the means of production and the modes of distribution of ice Especially worrisome,” George Packer wrote in the The New Yorker thisyear. “It would give Amazon morecontrol over the exchange of ideas than any company in US history.” If Amazon squeezes traditional publishers out of existence – or simply pushes theminto irrelevance – What Will We Read?
I put the question to Amazon’s Grandinetti, who leads Negotiations with publishers. For starters, he says, We Should not Assume That publishers’ woes meansthat Important writers Will no longer ask Able to make a living at Their craft. Writing literary works HAS Never Been a Particularly lucrative occupation; authors’ll have long relied on universities, foundations, and other non-profits to Supplement Their Income. Publishers REMAIN talented at finding and Promoting literary works, Grandinetti says. “It’s as viable to write that Work as it ever was,” he says. “And I feel reasonably confident, based on the way books are going, That It Will Continue to Be as viable.”
Meanwhile, other forms of writing May’ve become more viable. The rise of self-publishing, Which Amazon HAS Heavily promoted, HAS point to an explosion of genre fiction. Kindle Singles, Which allow authors to sell Framework of medium lengths, HAS Become A Home for projects no traditional publisher would Consider. Cable TV, YouTube, and Netflix created avenues for new kinds of visual storytelling, and new ways to make money; The elimination of gatekeepers in the World of Books is doing the same for text.
“Technologies change, and then what people make with them changes,” Grandinetti says. He points to the way cable allowed for bothering Breaking Bad Which Told a single story over 62 episodes; and True Detective, a multi-season series That tells a complete story each year. “Nobody would take a chance on Those TV shows 10 years ago, Because The model did not exist. So eventhough the evolution of These media May taketh away in some places, it giveth into some others. And I Think The Same May be constructed in books. “
” Eventhough the evolution of These media May taketh away in some places, it giveth in some others “
Meanwhile, Amazon HAS part of an effort to translate more foreign-language books into English, Potentially a rich new source of high-quality literature That HAS note Previously’ve been accessible. As new kinds of books’ve become Digitized, too, they’ll change the ways That are hard to predict. Sales of travel guides Declined as much of the information contained in them Became available free of charge online Grandinetti believes They Will evolve in new ways and Become Useful once again.
They Will definatley to evolve. Everything else That competes for our freetime – social networks, games, television – is going to ask evolving just as quickly. “Our job is to invent all the things we can to make taking That journey as pleasurable and as rewarding as possible,” Grandinetti says. “And I do not think it’s mine to say, or ours to say, If You Want to talk about it in zero-sum terms, thats Books are going to do better or worse in the future … Somewhere reading will go Will Be Determined , enhanced, or constrained by how inventive we can ask in how we support it. “
The book you do not read
A few years after the Amazon was founded, and a few years before Apple Introduced the iPod, a company called Audible Introduced a digital audio device. The $ 200 Audible Player had 4MB of memory, enough to store about two hours of audio, Which it sold at Don Katz, who co-founded the company, was an Unlikely tech entrepreneur: he was Previously a magazine journalist and book author, of the kind Whose fortunes definatley Lately’ve been threatened by changes in the publishing industry. Audible went public in 1999, at the height of the dot-com boom, and survived the bust by making .its catalog available through Apple’s iTunes store. In 2008, Amazon Bought the company for $ 300 million.
The company’s headquarters are in a mid-rise office building in Newark, NJ, a few blocks from a train to New York. From his office on the 16th floor, Katz Has a Clear View of Manhattan, where he once got big advances for deeply reported non-fiction about postwar America, and companies like Sears and Nike.
“Great Writing ought to get into people’s brains, and how it gets there Should not be A Matter of religiosity “
In the early 1990s, Katz saw a shift at the institution where he had publicized his name. The magazines he wrote for Began commissioning shorter, less ambitious work. “I bailed from one career When I saw the handwriting on the wall from my 10,000-word articles Becoming 7,500 words, then 5,000, then 3,500,” he says. “Little did I know it was going to get down to 140 characters!” Before There Was Such a Thing as an MP3, Katz founded Audible out of a conviction That we would one day walk around with, as he calls them, “Solid State Devices filled with culture.”
Early on, Audible faced skepticism That listening Should be Considered as a worthy pastime as reading, or Whether listening to a book Should count as “reading” at all. Katz Became practiced at recounting the history of literature – Which Began, of course, not with the written word but with the oral tradition. “Reading is nothing more than the memorialization of what was Thousands of years of rich oral culture,” he says. Katz Will remind you That The Greeks were deeply critical of the written word, Which They worried would destroy our probability to memorize texts. And he notes That American Literature was born out of the unique rhythms of our speech, whichwere first captured by writers like Mark Twain and Stephen Crane. “Great writing ought to get into people’s brains,” Katz says. “And how it gets there Should not be A Matter of religiosity.”
During Katz, Audible’s catalog HAS grown to more than 180,000 audiobooks. In the ITS headquarters are six recording studios, where Producers and Voice actors create new audiobooks 16 hours a day, seven days a week. In 2012 Amazon Introduced a feature thatlets you switch back and forth moonrise between the written and audio versions of a book; put down your Kindle When You leave for work, and listen to the recording where you left off through the Kindle app on your commute. There are now more than 55,000 books you can “read” This Way, A Fact That challenges our notion of what reading even MEANS. A Future Generation Could Listen to the Western canon on Their Phones. We will define literacy differently than we do today.
Just before I met with Katz, Amazon released Echo, a talking announcer That Can play music, tell you the weather, and let you shop, Among Other Things. I ask Dave Limp, Amazon’s senior vice president of hardware, Whether Echo Will Eventually read books to us. He declines to speculate, And Yet It Seems Inevitable That Echo Will Eventually Become another node in Amazon’s systems for ubiquitous reading and listening.
“The reality is thatthere are unbelievable Amounts of time during the day That You Can ‘t use your eyes to read a book or look at a screen, “Katz says. “What we’ve done is taken really rich, literate materials and then refracted That through an ever-more sophisticated performance. We say, let’s fracture reduction this as a Production of some of the greatest scripts of all times – books!”
David Limp, Senior Vice President of Devices
One more thing
When I graduated from college I moved to a small town in Indiana to work for a newspaper. The town was culturally barren, but in the shopping center where I bought groceries stood a Borders. Nearly every weekend, I would stop there on my way to the supermarket and spent an hour or so walking the stacks. At a time When I felt disconnected from cultural life, a chain bookstore Offered me a tether. The books I bought there, and there is skimmed, sustained me for the years I spent visiting it.
Today Borders HAS BEEN liquidated, the location I used to visit Replaced by an electronics store. Between the Web and social media, I read more than I ever definatley – And Yet I read books Fewer than ever. Reading over all my notes about the future of reading, I see I have reported it out of hope Books That Will evolve to repair what other technologies’ll have started to break: my probability to concentrate over hundreds of pages. I think of a line from The Tender Bar, by JR Moehringer: “‘Every book is a miracle,’ Bill said.” Every book represents a moment When someone sat quietly – and That quiet ice party of The Miracle, make no mistake – and tried to tell us the rest of the story. “
I’ve never actually read The Tender Bar – I just saw That When someone shared a screenshot of the passage on Twitter.
“Reading is Going to Have to continue to morph and get better,” Don Katz tells me, “both from a quality and a technology (Perspective), to Maintain ITS position. ” The book of the Past was a nearly perfect machine for displaying text – but the gift HAS revealed many flaws in the ITS approach.
Russ Grandinetti likes to quote Alan Kay: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ” And so the future of reading Will Be shaped, in part, by what Amazon invents – by how else it Decides to augment, alter, or otherwise transform the text in front of us. That anyone wishes to Compete HAS to reckon with the Insight Amazon’ve had seven years ago – that the text in a book is not the end, but a beginning.
Photography by Carlos Chavarria and Kyle Johnson
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