Saturday, December 20, 2014

Adventures with the Kindle Voyage – Oxford Student

Amongst ITS crooning assurances of crisper-than-ever display and many other features Qualified invariably by the words ‘new’, ‘Improved’, and ‘haptic’, the triumphant swathe of text on the Kindle Voyage’s Amazon page embeds a couple of summary quotes, blown up. One of These is from Jules Verne, French novelist and playwright: “You will travel in a land of marvels.”

You could do worse on the 25th than to find in yourstocking a Kindle Voyage, depending, of course, on your opinion on this kind of thing. The newest iteration of Amazon’s popular e-reader, released in the UK last month and Present, No Doubt, on the Christmas lists of many, The Voyage Continues the closing of the gap between ‘real’ books and Their digital representation. It reads more like the printed page than any of ITS predecessors; ITS thinness is One Step Closer to Paper -thinness. How near are we to the Moment When The Arguments in Favour of the ‘feel’ of a physical book Becomes a disability?

One thing’s for sure: Jeff Bezos and co. are treading on touchy ground, quietly and busily Advancing the technology while debates rage about Whether the e-books are Satan’s spawn OR The logical IF Luddite-irking next step for the written word. It’s Necessary, I think, for Amazon to Maintain a kind of self-limiting Respect for the culture of reading, even while it spearheads the e-book revolution.

And besides a few PR hiccups early on (in 2009, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four were mercilessly mass-deleted from Kindle users’ libraries of A Publishing technicality, leading many people to point out the irony), that’s Exactly What has Happened. The Verne quote May be melodramatic, but it exemplifies What has been a central feature of the company’s philosophy since the original Kindle’s release in 2007: Recognition of the Importance of Literature and of Those Who love it. Bezos incidentally Talked into a recentchanges interview about “a healthy culture of long-form reading”. There is a sense of care.

The Verne quote, indeed, points to one major benefit of the Kindle and of e-readers in general: portability. There’s No Way You Can Have Your Extensive hardback collection with you at arm’s length on any train or plane. In the modern world, hyper-connected and ever-bustling, e-readers are for bookworms The Answer to unique problems posed by combining reading and travel. On one sleek tablet you’ll have access to as many books as you want (and unlike with a ragged copy of Infinite Jest and a pencil, you can annotate them in public without looking uncool).

For Those going on extended journeys, this portability is invaluable. The Difficulties of certainement traveling bibliophiles of yore put into marked perspective, in Hope, just how liberating e-readers can pray. William Hazlitt, arriving in Sardinia in 1825 with a view to traversing the Alps and seeing the Grande Chartreuse, Took a book-filled trunk with him, packed with John Milton, Francis Bacon, sometime French theorists, and various news papers. Apparently seen as “the corrosive sublimate That Eat Out despotism and priestcraft,” the books were confiscated at the Customs House, to Be Forwarded to Hazlitt only once he’d left the Kingdom.

Granted, literature These Days Does not court The Threat of intervention That it Used to (unless it’s dubiously-published Orwell), but the relative convenience is undeniable.

I sometimes wonder how Necessary a Kindle or Kobo is for the daily commute, though. The Image of the metropolitan man or woman into constant to-and-fro and in need of some electronic Solution to the book problems Seems potent at first, but really, how many books can you read on one trainjourney? If you ‘re Able to pack an e-reader in your suitcase You’re Able to pack a couple of paperbacks.

And while it May be true, That the gap between the physical and digital’ feel ‘of The Reading experience is getting smaller all the time, there are definitely still some practical benefits to sticking with the traditional bookmakers. The apparently chronicling prevalence of spelling and formatting errors in the Kindle’s e-books, to Which 1-star reviews (consigned In Their indignation to the bottom of the page) thwart testify, raises the question of Whether the industry as it stands is sufficiently underdeveloped to justify the complete abandonment of the traditional formats.

This is not to mention Those aspects of the physical book Which, for many bibliophiles, transcendental considerations of convenience or hipness. As is sometimes the case with the reactionary position, the defense of the traditional book is thwart borne more of nostalgia and affection than of political or social concern, and it’s pretty understandableinterface. The smell of a book, the very fact of ITS vulnerability, and the novelty of a high-rise, cluttered, colorful bookcase are all Important Factors for manypeople, Factors Which Kindle can’t compete with.

Whatever your Particular standpoint, it remains the case – happily – Hate the land of marvels to Which the Verne quote Refers ice, really, neither physical or digital, but found in the Words themeselves.

PHOTO / bfishadow on Flickr


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